By signing up for this course you are agreeing to practice professional integrity by not teaching or sharing this information or sharing your password with other therapists without them legitimately and honestly taking the entire course. If you have already learned the Makous protocol parameters through other clinicians that I have trained prior to formalizing this course, please take the class to ensure best clinical practice! 

This is the only way to ensure the safety of the patients in which therapists are applying the Makous Protocol. I have chosen not to release the Makous Protocol parameters freely because without being trained in the extensive clinical dimensions of evaluation and treatment as detailed and presented in the course, outcomes will not be optimal. 

Furthermore, all material presented herein is copyrighted with the United States Register of Copyrights and Director. Registration Number: TXu 2-145-936 Effective date of Registration: 4/28/2019 Previous registrations and year: TXu 2-080-567, 2017; TXu 2-137-337, 2019. 

Having said that, I will commit to pursuing attainment of clinical CEUs for this course. Once I attain status I will notify all those who have taken this course.